
Thank you to Kootenay Savings Credit Union, Columbia Basin Trust and Winter Games Legacy for their donations to our new energy efficient LED lighting.

Kimberley Savings Logo


Kimberley's two indoor tennis courts are located five minutes from the downtown core on Halpin Street behind Selkirk Secondary School. They are available for bookings every day from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm. The courts are operated by the Kimberley Indoor Sports Centre Society, a non-profit society. The two indoor courts operate year round and compliment the four outdoor courts located at Rotary Park.

Court Fees:

For information on Men's Team Tennis and annual passes please contact David Bellm at 250 427-7307 or, Peter Munro at 250 427-7252.

Four Logo Image Kimberley Riverside Campground Logo B1G M4G1C Logo